American surrealist, Rob Fannin's adventures in creativity began at an early age in his hometown of Dayton, Ohio where he learned to "color outside of the lines." These adventures led him to understand the marriage of proper technique and what he calls, "deep listening" so the truth of form can manifest. Gaining experience in the manipulation of various media, processes, and techniques throughout his childhood and adult education.
Before returning to his true love of art, Rob was a teacher and facilitator of creativity and innovation best practices around the world for over 20 years. He now creates dream-like paintings exploring the interconnected oneness of nature and our place in it. The imagery within Rob's paintings is born from the collective unconscious and refined by his eye for detail and playfulness with color theory. About this process, Rob says, "my job is to simply listen so the truth of each story can manifest itself allegorically." And these stories are continuously sung into existence through a dynamic dialogue with the viewer.
An avid wanderer with a love of trees and all things nature, Rob currently resides in Fayettevile, Arkansas with his soulmate and wife, Elisabeth. His work can be found in private collections and select galleries across North and Central America.