I like making stuff. This is a great planet for that kind of thing. There are carvable rocks
poking out of the ground and sprockets tangled in junk piles. There are so many tools!
There are some methods to my work, but nothing mysterious. The most important thing is to
simply show up in the studio. I find the sweet spot somewhere between honing my skills as a
craftsman, and mischievous tinkering.
I currently have two (very different) mediums of choice. While I often pursue them singly, my
current goal is to combine them more often, and in more unexpected ways. The first is stone,
which I’ve been carving most of my life. It’s been an honor. Stone is so very real. Stone will
be here when the sun explodes. My other love is kinetic art. Solving mechanical problems in
unexpected, and aesthetically pleasing ways is one of my favorite creative practices. I also
love the idea of taking art “off the wall” and letting people play with it!