Eugene Sargent moved to Madison county Northwest Arkansas with his mother and sister in 1976 as part of the back to the land movement. This upbringing came with an education in the crafts, woodworking, animal husbandry and old time skills needed to survive. He graduated from Fayetteville high school and went to college for two stints of two years each, mostly math and physics but never finished a degree. He worked construction and did custom projects, working several years for local sculptor Hank Kaminsky, which was a real education in classic sculpture skills. He illustrated for the Stanford Daily, the Grapevine, and the Fayetteville Free Weekly. He was one of the core members of Gallery 111 in the 90's. Throughout his years in Northwest Arkansas, he has been involved in a number of collaborations with other artists. His most popular pieces are probably the ferrocement benches and creatures surrounding the castle at Wilson Park. As a boy, he read every book on electronics in the Fayetteville Public Library and has kept up with the evolution of the artform as it was embraced by the new Maker movement. He has been working to incorporate technology into his art and has done collaborations with Fab Lab and Amazeum. He occasionally teaches a class in sandcasting at the Community Creative Center and keeps an active foundry in his studio.